HLS Validation Report

Stream type: VOD


Variant Overview

Audio ID # Max Rate % Diff. Avg Rate Resolution IDR Int. Framerate Profile Level Encryption Audio Track Info % Proc.
NONE 1 1200 - 868 1024 x 436 3.647 24.000 High 3.1 NONE AAC-LC, 2-CH 100%

Average duration processed: 0:01:10, all bitrates are expressed in kb/s, IDs for default startup variants are highlighted in dark grey

Checked against HLS Authoring Specification for Apple TV

Must Fix Issues

1. The server MUST deliver playlists using gzip content-encoding

2. Your EXT-X-STREAM-INF and EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF tags MUST always provide CODECS attribute

3. If EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS is not in master playlist, then you MUST use the EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS tag in all video media playlists

4. Each EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag MUST have a FRAME-RATE attribute of the form FRAME-RATE=<decimal-floating-point>

5. Video segments MUST start with an IDR frame

6. You MUST include the AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH attribute for VOD content

7. Your EXT-X-STREAM-INF and EXT-X-I-FRAME-STREAM-INF tags MUST always provide RESOLUTION attributes

Should Fix Issues

8. Key frames (IDRs) SHOULD be present every two seconds

9. #EXT-X-SESSION-DATA can only be in master playlist

10. Media playlists SHOULD be delivered using TLS

11. Media segments SHOULD be delivered over TLS

12. Audio data SHOULD be provided as an elementary audio stream

Report Information

MediaStreamValidator version: 1.1(151117)
Report generator version: 1.1(151117)
Report generation date: 03/22/16 17:02:52
JSON format version: 1
JSON data timestamp: 03/22/16 17:00:49